Who is Backstreet Noize ?
Thank you for your interest in Backstreet Noize.  Glad to know that you've finally found us! Wanna know what these five gorgeous boyz are all about?  Well, here goes; Backstreet Noize is an all queers of color traveling drag king troupe based in the Los Angeles area.   This group of five boyz strive to promote the visibility of drag kings of color in Los Angeles and nationwide.  They've been performing since Winter 2000 and have quickly gained an incredible response from the queer communities of Los Angeles and beyond.  Their style is unlike any other drag king group.  It's that latin grove that will surely make you melt inside out; giving you the best of hip hop, latin hits, flashbacks, pop, and much more.  Their smooth choreographed moves really keep the fans coming back for more.   Keep looking to find out more on Justin, Joey, Carlos, and Eddie.
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